
A Royal Gift
It's a detective story, that begins with an explanation: "In Siam the royal white elephant is very important. It's sacred to kings, and only kings can have a white elephant. And white elephants are more important than the king."
So the king of Siam decided to give a white elephant to the Queen of England, as a gift.
During the trip, the ship stops at the New York's harbour because a doctor would see the white elephant that was sick. Then, after two weeks travelling, the white elephant is stolen.
The white elephant's deliverer came back to New York City and looked for the police force. He was fortunate because the chief of the force, the celebrated Inspector Blunt, was there and decided to help him.
Inspector Blunt took notes about the elephant's eating habits and appearance, and printed photos. Then he sold the information to the newspapers. He also suggested a reward and sent lots of his men to look for the elephant.
After some days, the white elephant was accused killing some people and destroying villages, but the search continued and the reward raised until one hundred thousand dollars.
Then the detective sent and received some notes and made an appoitment with the thieves. The deliverer brought the money to the detective and waited.
When chief Blunt came back, he took the white elephant's deliverer until the building basement, and there was the white elephant, dead.
The white elepant died of hunger, and the deliverer lost his job and he was ruined, but he continued appreciating the detective's work.

The Interrupted Girl movie is a drama, directed by James Mangold and it was filmed at Pennsylvania.
The main actresses are Winona Rider, as Susanna Kaysen, and Angelina Jolie, as Lisa Rowen. But there are more good actresses in the movie, like Woopi Goldberg, as nurse Valerie Owes, and Britanny Murphy, as Dayse Randone.
The movie happens at a mental institution, where Susanna goes because she had an overdose of aspirin and vodka. There, she meets a group of girls and they are become friends.
Susanna and Lisa become best friends, and together they start the trouble. Lisa said Susanna to stop taking her remedies and resist the therapy.
It's a wonderful movie, that describe the anguish of a group of girls in their youth, and how we can found friends at particular places.

I just saw this movie because Angelina Jolie was in it, and she won three awards: best actress, best performance and outstanding performance. I can't imagine any other actress than Angelina Jolie in that role as Lisa.

Enjoy it!